3 Signs That You Need Metal Roof Repair

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Here at Jacksonville Roofing USA, we know that your home is important to you, and we want to help you take care of it. Specifically, our team has the right experience and expertise to help you keep your roof in optimal condition, whether you have a traditional shingle roof or have opted for a different material, such as metal. In this article, we’ll go over three signs that you need metal roof repair in order to help you act quickly to fix your roof when it shows signs of wear.

3 Signs That You Need Metal Roof Repair

  • One sign that you need metal roof repair is the presence of punctures or tears in the metal. While metal roofing is sturdy enough to walk on without issue, it can still be punctured if sufficient pressure is applied, and if that happens then you will need to get the problem fixed as soon as possible.
  • Loose Seams. Another sign that you need metal roof repair is loosening seams between the panels. As temperatures change, the metal of your roof will expand and contract, and this motion will eventually cause the screws to loosen and allow gaps to form between panels. If you notice the panels of your roof pulling apart from each other, we encourage you to give us a call so that we can tighten all the bolts back down.
  • Rust. A third sign that you need metal roof repair is the presence of rust or corrosion. Metal roofing is sealed with non-corrosive agents to protect it from the elements, but this coating may deteriorate over time and need to be reapplied. If you notice that your metal roof has developed rusty spots, reach out to our team to get the problem fixed.